Having said that I think Bethesda did a good job balancing Skyrim(took a few patches), but since this is an MMO its a entirely different ball game. Just looking at some MMOs that use free progression rather than classes, they are usually plagued with balancing issues.

I completely agree, I think that the class base system would be far easier to balance and thats why tehy implemented it. Ineedtacos2 3216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )
They probably will implement this later on down the line once people start complaining its not enough like the original series or start calling it a WOW clone.

This will also appeal to fans of the series while further connecting it and staying true to the Elder Scrolls Series. This will give the MMO a unique feel to it compared to other mainstream MMOs such as WOW, SWTOR or Guild Wars. They can even use oblivions class system which only governs the initial stats but allows players to freely develop all skills as they choose no matter their class (pretty much the same as Skyrims but with initial classes, which I think will be more suited for an MMO than Skyrims). I wish they would incorporate the system of Skyrim and allow players to fully customize their players skills.

While this system will incorporate things from the Single player series such as the ability for all classes to use all weapon/armor types the ESO will limit other skills such as restoration and enchanting to specific classes. Although I am excited for this game I cant help but feel that it could be better, my primary objection (and really only objection) is the class base system they are using.