Hyperspin tutorial 2017
Hyperspin tutorial 2017


( you must have the correct version of the emulator that is listed)


Click on the Emulator tab and click on the green Plus to add an emulator. Here, any content you make for HyperSpin will carry to all of the systems that it relates to.

  • First area that you should be in is called Global.
  • In "For Emulators that just use HyperHQ" run through all steps, but on "Execution" hit HyperLuanch and skip #4
  • On "Navigation/Themes" tab check off on "Wheel Filters" Roms Only then any of the others if needed įor Emulators that need to use HyperLaunchHQ.
  • Click on the folder of "Rom Path" and find the folder holding the roms for that emulator.
  • Click on the folder of "Executable" and find the emulator you wish to use.
  • for "Extensions" type in the file type (if there is more then one type separate them with "," and no spaces).
  • For "Exucution" click normal, "PC Game" Disabled, "Use Fulll Path To Roms" Enabled, "Search Subfolders" Enabled.
  • chose the system that you wish to set up from the drop down list "Choose A Wheel".
  • now go to the system's database folder and drop in th XML file.
  • hyperspin tutorial 2017

    Find the area that you wish to add the new system in by clicking on the nearest current system and pick before or after.type in the name of the new system the same as the XML file you downloaded.Open HyperHQ and click on Main Menu Wizard.Click on the orange button under downloads called XML. There should be a list of system names and buttons next to them.Pick out the system that you want and head over to HyperList for the XML file that we will need.Some of the emulators will not launch the way you want them to so you can ignore them for later. This program is made for launching the emulators you have, the roms you picked, and closing it when you wanted it to. There will be a prompt asking you to look for a program called HyperLaunch, it should be in the folder before HQ.Once that is done HLHQ should run. Now all the programs should be in the correct location and now I would like you to run HyperLaunchHQ. Some of the roms can be found in the 44GB mame rom folder. There are about 140 roms and this program can also run capcom 1 and 2 games as well, but just use it for neogeo games. Leave them zipped and loaded them into the rom folder of the program. Now you can find the roms on the same site, but some of them are a hit and miss. (these also include NEO-GEO titles as well and Capcom 3)


    You can download them indavudaly or all at once, but it will take some time. Roms can be downloaded when you click MAME FILES. The emulator is for running classic arcade games, head on over to Mame and download the version that will work with hyperspin. Oh One thing that I recomend you do is to remove gpuDX11.dll from the plugins and rename gpuDX10.dll to gpuDX11.dll. Before I got 16, I had 8 and the audio lagged and would crash from overheating. Just have a good video card and at least 16GB of RAM. Follow his steps after this and you should be set. Place the files in the Hyperspin>Emlator>Dreamcast. This URL is to a youtuber how has made a preset for fighting games, when you download the files, unzip them. once you download the bios just put them in the right file location of the emulator. Once you run the program, you need you download the bios, you have to find them on your own but there is a txt file that gives you the name. Now when you want to play Sega CD games and 32x games you will need to go search for the bios for them.


    It is an install so keep track of its location when you add in the roms. The best Emulator I found Is Project 64 1.6. Here is the folder layout for you when placing in the emulators:Ĭomputer>Local Disk (C:)>HyperSpin>Emulators> NAME OF THE SYSTEM For the emulators that don't need to me installed, place them in the folder of the system it is emulating. To make sure you can keep track of the fill locations, in hyperspin under the emulator folder, there are different folders with names of systems. Now as for the roms, leave the zipped, but some may need to be unzipped to get to the roms. there will be a set of files, one is roms.

    hyperspin tutorial 2017

    Once you unzip them, most of them run as applications but a few of them may need to be installed. For most emulators when you download them, they are in a zip. I have the URLS for all the emulators that I currently use and I trust.

    Hyperspin tutorial 2017